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Appointment Lounge

(Existing Patients)

Office Info

6128 Camino Verde Dr, Suite D
San Jose, CA 95119
  For your convenience, we also offer services in Los Altos.
Click here for directions to our Los Altos office.

Office Hours

Monday 12-5 braces Thursday 8-4 (except twice a month 8-12)
Tuesday 8-5 (12-2 lunch) Friday Closed
Wednesday 8-5 (12-2 lunch) Saturday Closed

Please complete the below appointment request and someone
from our office will contact you to confirm your request.

Which is your preferred appointment time?

8:00 - 10:00am* 2:00 - 4:00pm
10:00 - 12:00 noon* 4:00 - 5:00pm
* time not available Mondays

If your preferred time isn't available, what is your second choice?

8:00 - 10:00am* 2:00 - 4:00pm
10:00-12:00 noon* 4.00 - 5:00pm
* time not available Mondays

Purpose of appointment?

 Initial Consultation

How may I confirm your appointment?

First Name:
Last Name:
Your information will not be shared with any outside sources.
Information will only be used for communication by Dr. Boschken's office.
braces braces
orthodontic treatment
dental orthodontist
© 2011 Boschken Orthodontics  |  6128 Camino Verde Dr, Suite D  |  San Jose, CA 95119  |  Site Map