Invisalign® FAQ
What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign® uses a series of nearly undetectable aligners instead of brackets and wires. So it's really hard for people to tell you're wearing Invisalign® even up close. Because there are no metal wires and brackets. Invisalign® is comfortable. And because it's removable, eating, brushing and flossing are no problem. You can still enjoy your favorite foods and smile without holding back. With Invisalign®, there is nothing to hide.
How long does Invisalign® treatment take?
The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of your particular case, which determines the number of aligners you need. You'll wear each aligner for two weeks. So, generally there may be as many as 60 in the series, or as few as 12.
How often must I wear my aligners? Invisalign® ONLY works while you are wearing the aligners. We recommend that you wear your aligners full-time, day or night, except to eat, brush and floss your teeth.
Are there restrictions on what I can eat and drink?
In general, no. Unlike traditional orthodontics, you can usually eat and drink whatever you desire, because you remove your aligners. Thus, there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favorite foods or snacks.
How often must I see Dr. David R. Boschken? Dr. David R. Boschken and staff will schedule regular appointments – usually about once every six weeks. This is the only way Dr. David R. Boschken can be sure that the treatment is progressing as planned.
Will wearing the Invisalign® aligners affect my speech?
Like all orthodontic treatments, aligners may temporarily affect your speech, and you may have a slight lisp for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having aligners in your mouth, any lisp or minor speech impediment caused by the aligners should disappear.
Will treatment be painful? Most people experience tooth soreness for a few days after starting each new stage. This is normal. It is a sign that the Invisalign® aligners are working – sequentially moving your teeth to their final destination. This soreness should gradually go away a couple days after you insert the new aligner in the series.
Can I afford it? Dedication means striving to provide a better smile for anyone who wants one. Dr. David R. Boschken offers all the advantages of Invisalign® for about the same cost as traditional metal braces. He can also help you improve your aesthetics and well-being with your choice of payment options:
- Dr. David R. Boschken will work with your insurance company to obtain the maximum coverage available to you.
- Pay in full at the beginning of treatment, and receive a 5% discount.
- Installment plan with no interest, with a 30% down-payment at the beginning of treatment.
- No down-payment with third-party financing, which Dr. David R. Boschken's office can facilitate at the beginning of treatment. This financing is often available with no interest.
- Invisalign® treatment by Dr. David R. Boschken is comparable to the competitive price of traditional metal braces.
The actual cost of treatment depends on the length and level of your individual treatment plan. Price is determined at the first appointment. Visit the Appointment Lounge to schedule your first appointment with Dr. David R. Boschken, at no cost. A better smile may be well within your reach.

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Frequently asked questions about Invisalign® orthodontics.
See how people just like you have improved their smile.
Learn how to improve your smile without changing your lifestyle.
Learn why Dr. David R. Boschken is one of the most in-demand Invisalign® providers in the country.
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