palo alto orthodontist
adult braces

Adult Patient Form

We would like to welcome you to our office. In an effort to provide the best service possible, we ask you to fill out this form as completely as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

This is a secure form.

Patient Information

Patient's Name:


Nickname (if preferred):    Male    Female
Home Phone:   Cell Phone:
Patient's Birthdate:
Social Security #:
Home Address:
Employer Address:
How Long?
General Dentist:
How did you hear about our office?
Have we treated another member of your family?  YES    NO
If YES, Name:
What are the main concerns that you would like orthodontics to accomplish?
Have you visited an orthodontist before?  YES    NO
If YES, for what reason?:
Anything you would like to discuss with the doctor in private?  YES    NO

Insurance Information

Marital Status:  Single    Married    Widowed
 Divorced    Separated    Domestic Partner


Insurance Co. Name:
Insurance Co. Phone:
Insurance Co. Address:
Group or Plan:
Insured's Name
Insured's Birthdate:
Insured's SS#:
Insured's Employer:
Employer's Address:


Insurance Co. Name:
Insurance Co. Phone:
Insurance Co. Address:
Group or Plan:
Insured's Name
Insured's Birthdate:
Insured's SS#:
Insured's Employer:
Employer's Address:

Dental and Medical History

Are you currently under the care of a physician?  YES    NO
If YES, for what reason?:
History of major illness?  YES    NO
If YES, please describe:
Any sensitivities or allergies?  YES    NO
If YES, please describe:
Currently taking any medications?  YES    NO
If YES, please describe:

Have you been treated for any of the following?  Arthritis
 Blood Disorder
 Heart Condition
 Nervous Disorder
 High Blood Pressure
Do you require antibiotics before dental treatment?  YES    NO
If YES, explain:
Have there been injuries to your face, mouth or chin?  YES    NO
Have you ever had pain/tenderness in your jaw joint (TMJ/TMD)?  YES    NO
Do/Did you have any of the following habits?  Grinding Teeth
 Chronic Mouth Breathing
 Finger/Thumb Sucking
 Speech Problems
 Tongue Thrusting
 Chewing/Eating Problems

 (required) - I understand that the information that I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge, that it will be held in the strictest of confidence and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my child’s medical status.

I hereby authorize release of any information related to insurance claim. I consent to examination by the doctor and I authorize payment of any insurance benefits to the office.

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© 2011 Boschken Orthodontics  |  6128 Camino Verde Dr, Suite D  |  San Jose, CA 95119  |  Site Map